Stories from THE BEACH : Chill out & background music

Stories from THE BEACH : Chill out & background music

Stories from THE BEACH : Chill out & background music

Stories from THE BEACH : Chill out & background music
album photos
A Summer romance full of wonderful stories from the beach that will last in your heart forever!
Behind the Music from Shirley ~:~
All of the music on THE BEACH CD was recorded "Live" in the studio without any edits, cuts or re-takes. I played all the parts from start to finish on each song on all my keyboards. One day it would be nice one day to record this album in a studio setting.
This CD is a little more "Upbeat" than my other CDs. My favorite songs is, Catching Your Wave! How cool it would be to hear Chris Botti play the trumpet on this songs!
I think you'll really enjoy listening to THE BEACH while hanging out with your friends and have playing it in the background during a casual dinner party, boat cruise or a weekend car drive ~ I truly think the mood of this album just makes your body feel good !
I hope you enjoy my little Chillout Groove music created from my fun romantic summer at THE BEACH ~ Shirley ~:~
Album Notes & Lyrics
1. Sunrise
Slowly the Sun appears on the
horizon on the ocean's edge
2. Waking Up on the Beach
The sun peaks into your ocean
beach house's living room floor
3. Flying Seagulls
The birds start to stir looking
for their first meal of the day ~
4. Life Guards Morning Swim
In the cool sea waters of the mornings... they swim, they swim, they swim...
to prepare for their day's work on beach
5. The Beach People
One by one they come today to enjoy the beach. People on their Cruiser Beach bikes with the red wagons... filled with children's toys.
Today the beach is full of life ~ of summer fun. It is days like these that memories are created for the young... lovers... mothers & fathers... sisters & brothers,
Even for Grandfathers that still ride the waves as Grandma watches & sits on the edge of the waves...
Nothing can more perfect than this view on this day...
6. As Night Falls
As the late afternoon's tide rolls in the beach rests from the busy day
as the midnight "piper birds" appear for their dinner on the water's edge ~
7. Big Ships Passing in the Night
In the dark they pass one by one. The beauty of the ship's lights glitters
against the midnight sky ~
8. Time for US at THE BEACH
The candles softly glow on the deck.
The Champagne softly is chill in the silver bucket and then you appear from the back door ~
The lights are low... The music plays ~ : ~ We dance... We kiss... We dine... We giggle from the champagne ~ ~
We are together alone on the beach in the heat of a Warm embraced known as "The 1st Kiss"
9. Catching Your Wave
Sometimes you can just kiss & touch someone and know that... they are the one ~
The waves slowly start rolling in .... crashing the shorelines until morning when the tide rolls slowly back out to the sea ...
10. Sunday Morning Walking the Dog
It's morning again... the coffee is on ...
we open the sliding doors and greet the mornings sun
The beach is there today to greet our "newly" awaken soul !
It's time to walk THE BEACH dogs :)
Such the Life these puppies have !
11. Stories from The Beach
A Summer romance full of wonderful stories from the beach that will last in your heart forever!
Streaming online now Anytime you want to Listen!